Thursday, August 19, 2010

Puzzle Mystery

If you are still reading here -- I apologize for the long quiet spell! One difficult story led to another difficult truth and the puzzles, to me, seemed to multiply! The solution has not necessarily come, but I have found a wonderful set of books along the way. And perhaps a greater interest in what makes for a great story, at least in my view. It would be my pleasure to share these things with you (if anyone is still there!!) - so I wanted to at least invite you to check in again soon. And to thank you for the times you have read my posts, whether or not I knew it. Look for something here soon!!


Mirek Sopek said...

Diane, you know, I'm faithful reader of your blog — so feel encouraged to write about these books....

Amila Kanchana said...

Happy to hear you'd be posting again.I couldn't post on Smart Readers for a nearly two months too. B'n touch!

Diane said...

Thank you, kind readers. The hardest part to 'coming back', even when you are ready again, is getting started. I didn't even expect anything here... So, thanks again for being there and letting me know!!

Mirek Sopek said...

Another try, maybe this time it will work !

We wait for the resolution of the puzzle !!!

I must say, that for some reasons (one you know...) I kept myself out of digital world, but I'm comimg back as well !!!