Friday, November 14, 2008

Keeping the Hope

Watching and listening to It's A New Day makes me feel like "it's raining hope" around here...

It was made by - you can watch a good interview with him on Larry King Live. Maya Angelou is also a guest in this clip. For more by, check out, where he has posted other great videos including "Yes We Can" - yet another inspiring music video, his version of then-candidate Obama's great speech of the same name.

Oddly, I found this while reading Joho the Blog (see Nov 9 2008) ... looking for hope in all the right places, this time!


Mirek Sopek said...

Interesting entry - I did not know - sounds as interesting artist.
But I know David Weinberger (Joho the blog) - and he is my favorite philosopher of Internet !!!

Diane said...

Mirek, you get the credit for pointing me to David Weinberger! Thanks for stopping by...

Mirek Sopek said...

Thx, "Everything is Miscellaneous"
is great book. Shortly I will finish it and will post a review.

You get credit for - great song and ... now I'm:
Mirek.I.Am and Sopek.I.Am :-)

Diane said...!
Good idea - I'm looking forward to your review.